Tennis Prose



Former NCAA tennis coach calls my Bollettieri book “a masterpiece”

Positive reviews have been rolling in for my latest tennis book “Nick Bollettieri: Godfather Of Modern Tennis” but this one may take the cake.

It came from former longtime Pittsburgh University tennis coach George Dieffenbach: “Hi Scoop. My sister and her husband spend winters in Sarasota. They knew Nick B mentored me, so they saw your book and sent it to me for my 70th birthday. Your book is a masterpiece! Thank you for writing it! Great read!”

“Your book gives me hope I can keep coaching and teaching as I age, like my mentor Nick did. Your book was a candid commentary by those champions whose lives and careers were greatly influenced by this man. Well done my friend!”

“Nick went out of his way to help me. A very sincere and unselfish man. Rare attributes.”

How so?

“He would talk with me about tactics and bio mechanics and strategy when I would recruit at his academy. It was like I was the only person in the world. Then in later years he would come to Pittsburgh to talk to me and my team. Then in addition he would send me notebooks he had published to teach me his thinking and ideas. Very giving man. Nick was the greatest. The ‘Real Deal.'”

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1 comment

  • Scoop Malinowski · May 2, 2023 at 8:24 pm

    All very positive reviews for my Bollettieri book, same for my previous book Facing Novak Djokovic. Happy that the public and readers are telling me my books are getting better. Maybe Tennis Channel will do a feature about me, or another one on Lawanda )



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