Tennis Prose



Sandgren’s Statement to Media


By Scoop Malinowski

Following his spectacular loss to Hyeon Chung in three close, exciting sets last night in the Australian open quarterfinal, American Tennys Sandgren addressed the media with a wonderful opening statement.

Effectively setting the narrative on the issue by intelligently expressing his platform and his viewpoint on his terms and not allowing it to be clouded and slandered by an angry wolfpack media eager to besmirch this brave, talented young man who has the courage to go against the grain and political correctness to express some of his unique (and controversial) opinions and views. Sandgren put his candidly direct statement out there and the media had to swallow it. The media could not throw their spears of loaded questions and false, misinterpreted judgment labels or fake fabricated charges of racism and bigotry. We do not always have to say politically correct nice things about everyone, we can praise, honor and love and we criticize and denounce anybody who we feel deserves it based on their behavior and actions.

He may not have won the match last night but Sandgren scored a mighty victory for free speech, free thought and freedom period. Sandgren reminded us all that we don’t have to agree with the politically correct agendas being rammed down our throats, we can think the way we want to think and speak our minds accordingly.

TENNYS SANDGREN: You seek to put people in these little boxes so that you can order the world in your already assumed preconceived ideas. You strip away any individuality for the sake of demonizing by way of the collective.

With a handful of follows and some likes on Twitter, my fate has been sealed in your minds. To write an edgy story, to create sensationalist coverage, there are a few lengths you wouldn’t go to to mark me as the man you desperately want me to be.

You would rather perpetuate propaganda machines instead of researching information from a host of angles and perspectives while being willing to learn, change, and grow. You dehumanize with pen and paper and turn neighbor against neighbor. In so doing, you may actually find you’re hastening the hell you wish to avoid, the hell we all wish to avoid.

It is my firm belief that the highest value must be placed on the virtue of each individual, regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. It’s my job to continue on this journey with the goal of becoming the best me I can and to embody the love Christ has for me, for I answer to Him and Him alone.

I’ll take questions about the match, if you guys don’t mind. Thank you. If you have any questions about the match.



  • Joe Blow · January 24, 2018 at 10:43 am

    If he believes what he believes( which he has every right), why did he erase everything, and beg for a do-over? That’s pretty weak( probably his management put him up to it).
    He can have his views, but I would imagine he’ll be wearing Mizuno clothes, and the big endorsements, or wildcards, will be harder to come

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 24, 2018 at 10:49 am

    Wow he told the reporters they are going to hell. That’s a strong statement!

    Sandgren would truly be a terrific representative for the Davis Cup team and all the values the United States stands for. I believe he will gain legions of fans with these comments.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 11:13 am

    Duke, according to my Facebook comments Sandgren is indeed gaining more fans and support, which is a beautiful thing. Courier blew it, IMO. Johnson and Querrey are struggling mightily right now. Querrey even mentioned last week how it’s mostly about money for him. Sandgren is hungry like the wolf.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 11:17 am

    Joe, he deleted it because he doesn’t need the distraction of being attacked by a bunch of intolerant angry idiots who hate the fact Sandgren has different views and opinions than they do. They hate the fact they can’t control what Sandgren thinks, believes, says and criticizes. The face of American tennis was saved by Sandgren’s outstanding performance in Melbourne. That is the most important fact about what Sandgren achieved this fortnight.

  • Thomas Tung · January 24, 2018 at 12:23 pm

    Personally, I think the press in general got “bored” because there was no Federer-Nadal, Federer-Djokovic match to get excited about (and sell papers), so they were hunting for some story — and, whilst desperately hunting for a quick tale, they fell upon Tennys’s Twitter page (with the promise of easy controversy).

    The truth of the matter is, if everyone publicly lambasted everyone they didn’t agree with, they would soon find themselves alone on Planet Earth (starting with disagreements with their parents), and the human population would be reduced to one person. Humanity is not an army of clones with different (Photoshop’d?) looks — it is comprised of many individuals, many of which will have ideas that others will disagree (strongly, at times) with.

    Sandgren is an American, and (traditionally) Americans place a premium on free speech. That should not be silenced, by either swerving too hard to the right, or too hard to the left.

    The focus, as always, should be on Sandgren’s tennis, which has been exemplary throughout this AO (and might have been better against Chung, save for this ridiculous, pointless, and needlessly distracting sideshow).

  • catherine · January 24, 2018 at 12:58 pm

    I’ve only got one comment to make here: often I think it would have been better for the human race if Twitter had never been invented.

  • Dan Markowitz · January 24, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    I have a totally different take on this matter than Scoop. I don’t think the mediat at AO demonized Sandgren. Questions have to be asked a young man in the spotlight if he has hateful views. I haven’t read everything Sandgren posted, but it’s clear at least in my mind that the whole pizzagate slander against Hilary Clinton propagated by the resigned Sec’t of Defense Kelly’s son, was a right wing witch hunt and for Sandgren to champion that smear doesn’t make me respect him at all. His tennis game I respect, but I’m not into a witch hunt on the media. Look I teach Bikram Toga and Bikram the man who invented has sexually abused many women, but I can separate the man from the yoga and if Sandgren adheres to an ideology I think is close-minded and hateful, I don’t have to watch his matches or root for him either. LeBron James regularly criticized and derides Trump, but something tells me probably a lot of Trump followers still like watching him play.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 24, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    Sandgren is the American hero the country needs right now. I think he can eventually run for political office and gain popularity. He has every right to believe anything and everything he stands for through his lord Jesus Christ. There is nothing more American than that.

    Courier should be fired IMO.

    Meanwhile, Tomas Berdych comes up small yet again. That guy should retire.

  • Chazz · January 24, 2018 at 3:27 pm


    It may not be for you, but it is so easy for me to render someone’s personal beliefs irrelevant when it comes to enjoying them as an entertainer. Now if Tennys is wearing a KKK or Black Panther symbol and making it a part of his performance it is one thing. But he merely follows some shady characters and did nothing harmful other than ponder some conspiracy theories. This character assassination thing that has followed his success at the AO should leave any sane person feeling at least a little sick. It’s disgusting really. I have friends and family that are from all extremes of the spectrum and all are good people, they just have different viewpoints. Doesn’t mean they are a threat to society or deserve to be blackballed.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 5:52 pm

    Watch this and you will know Pizza gate is horribly real. Sandgren is not a hater but he is not politically correct and he’s free to express his views. If people find homosexuality or Serena’s on court behavior to be disgusting at times, they have the right to say it.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 5:56 pm

    Amen Duke.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 5:59 pm

    Chazz, there is a clear agenda to try to intimidate Sandgren and to try to control what he thinks and says. But it’s not going to succeed. The truth is king. The truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 24, 2018 at 6:54 pm

    Correct Scoop, Pizzagate is real. It shouldn’t surprise any of us that Hillary Clinton actually used the pizza shop to sell sex slaves. Check her tax forms, which are public, for more proof.

    Anyone with any thoughts on the Davis Cup team? Do we know if Sock was dropped or if he opted out to spend time with Micaela? Or is he hurt? An injury would explain a lot.

    Sock announced an exhibition match with Fed in the Bay Area in March so he continues to cash in on being buddies with RF.

    Taylor Fritz wins yet again and will face the resurgent Noah Rubin next. It is clear that Rubin is one player who has seen Sandgren’s success and knows he can reach elite status soon.

    Big one tomorrow between the great Opelka and Nishikori slayer Novikov.

    Add in the Indian player Somdev Devvarman to come to the defense of Sandgren on Twitter: Watching @TennysSandgren do what he did at the @AustralianOpen was inspiring! Even more so if you know him and know what he’s gone through, and know he will always be good stand up guy. Congrats man! Really happy for you!

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 6:59 pm

    Very positive response from tennis fans on my Facebook page.

    Barbara Fullwood My admiration grows.

    Forrest Stewart What a fabulous rebuttal to the liberal jackals. He’s a fabulous young man I appreciate him enormously. The very best to you. You are a fabulous match player, strategist are are headed for a fabulous life! MAGA!

    Bettina Bunge
    Bettina Bunge That is some kind of chutzpah of Serena to tweet and demand an apology, and how is she going to explain to her daughter…blah blah blah….from the one who threatened the linesman at the US Open, acting like a lunatic, getting disqualified. Then, against Stosur, again, insulting the umpire, calling her “ugly on the inside….if I ever come across you in a dark alley”….REALLY? And the press gives her a pass? How is she going to explain that ugly behavior to her daughter. It’s all over youtube forever! If you are in a glass house, don’t throw stones. Where is her apology? What a total idiot. A champion is judged on how you conduct yourself. I don’t care how many GS she wins, she will never attain the status of Steffi Graf.

    George A. Ronay Wow, if I told you some of my negative stories about the “Williams” family over the years it might make your skin crawl. No class whatsoever!

    Todd Cohen Lib tennis media reports this morning, “Sandgren put up little resistance”……..The first 2 sets were fantastic, beautiful tennis from both guys..

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 24, 2018 at 7:04 pm

    Duke; Pizza gate is real and it’s sickening. Hillary’s puppet Laura Silsby was CAUGHT trafficking 33 children from Haiti and Bill was sent down to get her off. Podesta, Biden. Obama, all linked to this evil. Breitbart was the first one to publicly reveal Podesta rapes underage kids and guess what? he was killed shortly after. Anyone who denies pizza gate pedo gate is either stupid or naive or totally ignorant or protecting their ideaology. I’ve done the research and know 100% it’s real and it must be exposed and condemned and stopped. I will fight for what I believe in and this evil must stop this year.

  • Andrew Miller · January 24, 2018 at 7:39 pm

    Twitter. Yep. In general I don’t think it has been great for players. Whether it’s Sandgren or Bouchard. Sadly it has opened players up to being judged. I’m not going to root against Sandgren for his political views or Bouchard for her self marketing. But I do wonder if we’ve lost a few slam champs to twitter habits.

  • Dan Markowitz · January 24, 2018 at 7:40 pm

    What happened to keeping politics out of this web site? I won’t comment on Sandgren anymore u til I look into deeper, but suffice to say he can follow any religious or political figures he wants, but I don’t have to like him for it or watch his matches if I find him to talk about issues I think are crackpot. Say what you want about Hillary and Bill, but a Special Peosecutor never investigated them for colluding with the Russians. This has already been proven and the American people are speaking and are going to vote this highly unqualified president out of office. He is in-American and even his henchman Bannon called him totally unfit to be president. This is all a crock of bs and u don’t want to read about this crap again on Tennis-Prose. We can talk about Sandgren without discussing his merits as a citizen.

  • Andrew Miller · January 24, 2018 at 7:50 pm

    Agree with Dan, we can talk Sandgren minus the political views. I’m guessing a few journalists were desperate for a story about someone they had never heard of and it was convenient to write about twitter preferences.

    Seems lazy to me.

  • Andrew Miller · January 24, 2018 at 8:03 pm

    No, he doesn’t earn a Davis Cup nod. You have two guys with higher rankings and superior performance. Sandgren doesn’t get the nod for four ATP match wins, sorry – for the U.S. men’s team,even in its diminished state, it’s still a hard team to make.

    I’d guess Isner said he wants to play. Given he has far better Davis Cup track record than anyone playing the game among USA men, he gets the nod. I’d assume the Bryans also could have played as long as they wanted.

  • Andrew Miller · January 24, 2018 at 8:15 pm

    To Dan’s point, and referring to a different player, Ivanisevic lost a lot of fans for his remarks about women. They were indeed quite chauvinist. Doesn’t take away from his grass court brilliance or his astounding lefty serve. But I did see him in a lesser light.

    It seems delicate. How do I talk about Muguruzas confusing results after slams without raising the possibility that she may not be as interested in having a bigger impact on the game? How do I explain the results of a player like Bouchard without pointing out that she seems to be less interested in the sport for some of the joy it used to give to her than for its role in raising her popularity and presumably her off court wealth?

    I do think that Muguruza is interested in another slam, and that Bouchard is interested in regaining her footing from seemingly so long ago. But it’s hard to see that based on most recent results, twitter stuff, etc. And it’s easy for me at a distance to write them both off for the most insignificant reason.

    I’ll say from a sad point of view Sandgren probably lost a few decent sponsorship opportunities that could have supported his career in the game. In some ways players with higher profiles might have less control over their social media accounts. Which prevents them from overexposure and allows them to keep their views at a safe distance.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 24, 2018 at 8:40 pm

    Scoop you don’t have to convince ,e I have done more research than you! I have a good friend who is a CPA who knows all about tax dodges and he showed me the tax forms that Hillary Clinton used for New Life Children’s Refuge. It’s clear how Clinton was directly linked to Silsby’s cover-up and that the pizza was a front for the operation. It’s also true that Puello has been involved in selling children as prostitues for many years before he even knew Silsby and he may have been the brains behind the operation. Breitbart should have won a Pulitzer for his reporting but the Pulitzers are left-wing Propaganda.

    Thank goodness Hillary was defeated because there is no doubt she was going to take away my guns like Obama tried to and failed. She was going to finish the job.

    Please keep fighting the good fight on this Scoop. I support you 100 percent to expose this evil.

  • Andrew Miller · January 24, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Oh man. Not again. I thought the site had committed to keeping politics off the site, given it really takes away from the game.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 24, 2018 at 9:26 pm

    Hey Scoop runs the site and I trust him completely!

    Anyway sad news on Boris Becker. He has lost the bulk of his trophies. What a mess he is…

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 24, 2018 at 10:59 pm

    Tomas Berdych has the wrong attitude to win a major. He lost the first set after serving for it and got way behind in that tiebreaker – I didn’t like the fact that he joked with Federer at that match point. It shows that Berdych doesn’t have the killer instinct to win a match like this; contrast that to how Roger went nuts at the chair umpire when he was losing.

    Roger is a killer and Tomas is not. Also smart of Fed to buddy up more to Berdych in Prague at Laver Cup to maintain the mental edge. Berdych can beat Nadal and Djoker now but not Fed.

  • Joe Blow · January 24, 2018 at 11:33 pm

    Berdych was in top 10, 7 years in a row. Extremely hot wife, had a great career in the Big 4 gen.

    Fed went nuts?. He barely raised his voice. Shot spot was onthe blink on a point the chair overruled. If that’s crazy, hide your guns

  • Dan Markowitz · January 24, 2018 at 11:41 pm


    FYI, Scoop doesn’t run the site we co-own and if I see you posting political content I’m going to cut you off from posting. So let’s keep the content on Tennis. This is something Scoop and I have agreed to many times in the past, but he doesn’t seem to be able to keep.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 25, 2018 at 1:32 am


    Ah no worries, I was responding to this post. Not fair to single me out if he also runs the site and I just responded. You can look back at my comments on other posts and they were not political.

    Sandgren’s statement in this post is a political statement. Don’t post about it if you don’t want people to comment on this issue then. I suggest you delete this post. Because Scoop posted this, I commented. To say you will cut me off is simply unfair. My comment is about the post and Scoops’s responses. So something isn’t adding up.

  • catherine · January 25, 2018 at 2:00 am

    Pleae, let’s keep to tennis. Otherwise we’ll go back to where we were before on this. There’s plenty of political sites.

    Kerber/Halep are in the 3rd.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 8:45 am

    Berdych is Todd Martin level great player. Like Tomic said, many great players don’t win majors.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 8:48 am

    Tennys Sandgren is a friend of mine and I have his back against these witch hunt media assault on him. Hopefully the media will stop it and people like Werthiem, Courier and Navratilova will stop this ‘there are consequences for making your views public on twitter’ BS – which is inciting hatred. There are also consequences to incessantly attacking Sandgren and his supporters for their views. Wertheim Courier Maritna need to tolerate and accept Sandgren’s views and Court’s views just like we all accept Martina’s views. Let’s try to move on and hope they take it easy on Sandgren and let his past tweets go. He deleted them. Time to move on. If the media keeps on attacking I will defend my friend.

  • Andrew Miller · January 25, 2018 at 9:12 am

    Mike Russell’s agent once took over his social media account 😉 again I’ll say that in a way this is something that protects the best players, in that they can hire someone to handle social media etc and protect them from overexposure. Comes with the territory, media scrutiny increases with success. I’m sorry all this took place as Sandgren was preparing for his biggest match and one that, sorry to say, is not likely to come again, as much as I appreciate his game.

    I’m also sorry that, for now, he is better known for his twitter stuff than his tennis. Though sponsors and agents can’t protect a player from everything, they would have been able to keep the spotlight on the player.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 9:27 am

    Andrew; Good memory about Russell! But I can’t remember what it was that he tweeted that caused the ruckus. Was it about Hewitt? I remember Mike told me he didn’t want to talk about Facing Hewitt because he had a history with Hewitt, something happened during or after their Aus Open five setter. At lesat Sandgren owned up to his tweets and didn’t play the “my agent runs my social media” BS 🙂 I disagree about Sandgren, he is now known for his top ten level tennis and this magical run can’t be erased or overshadowed by a twitter controversy, as much as the media would like to try to do that. Fans are going to go to watch Sandgren play this year because of curiosity about his TENNIS not his twitter or his unique name 🙂 That is one of the intriguing stories of the year now – will Sandgren continue to post these excellent results or did he go on a ten day fluke joy ride like Marcus Willis and Melanie Oudin?

  • Dan Markowitz · January 25, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    If Sandgren is your friend I’d advise him not to attack the media the way he did as it would e been irresponsible of media members not to bring up Sandgren’s Twiitter posts. One of the main responsibilities of the media and why it’s so important to have a free press is to shine a light on information like this so the public has the facts and can make an informed decision on how it wants to act. Sadly, sandgren’s Twitter feed is going to outshine his impressive play on the court at AO and he added fuel to fire by reading holier than thou message to media and then refusing to answer questions about his statement. He’s ever incited the ire of Serena now and Tennys is a wart on Serena’s butt in tennis achievements and popularly.

  • Andrew Miller · January 25, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    Agree. It’s sad the twitter stuff has already buried the accomplishment. I’m doubtful Sandgren can make another run at a slam. And I’m negative that twitter helps the sport. I doubt this also.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    “One of the main responsibilities of the media” Dan is to investigate crime and injustices like the worst of all – pizza gate pedo gate. The msm is ignoring it while CITIZEN JOURNALISTS (the new ALT media) are doing the investigating and finding tons of evidence. Sandgren merely said he found Serena disgusting and the biology of homosexuality made his eyes bleed. If you or the media can’t tolerate that view, it’s your problem. Not everyone has to worship Serena’s behaviors which have included threatening murder of a lineswoman and violence on a chair umpire in a dark alley. If you say that kind of behavior is not disgusting and that homosexuality is beautiful you are free to speak that opinion. And so is Sandgren.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 12:54 pm

    One of the tenets of liberal politics is “choice.” Freedom of choice. We all have the freedom to make choices and to express our views. Twitter is a popular platform of that. Certain people have to stop trying to control, censor, silence and intimidate opposing views.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 25, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    Scoop you are absolutely right. Sandgren was 100 percent correct to tell the media to go to hell given the way he was treated by them and sullying the best tournament of his career. Serena, though a great champion, has a track record of threatening to kill a linesperson.

    No question Courier bowed to political pressure not to include Sandgren on DC. Beating an uninjured Thiem was not some fluke and he gave Chung a real run for his money.

    Sandgren has not committed any crimes or done anything wrong. Nobody should hate him for what he thinks, especially in this era of rash leftist media groupthink and white men being under attack – from liberals, homosexuals, non-Christians, scorned women, etc. It’s not right.

  • catherine · January 25, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    The thing about Twitter, and one of the reasons I wish it had never been invented, is that anyone can tweet whatever thoughts come into their heads, thoughts which might have been expressed in private conversations such as you might have in the pub (bar) and out they go into cyberspace and that is where they stay, to be read by all. That kind of thing has never happened before in human history. So there must be sóme control. That’s not censorship. It’s being sensible.

    In tennis, there are several players I can think of whose Twitter accounts are clearly controlled by their agents or managers. You can tell by the language. Maybe this should happen more often.
    In Britain there are rules about the use of Twitter for pro footballers and in other pro sports. They are there for a reasón.

    Perhaps the ATP (and WTA)should produce some guidelines on Twitter usage and then we wouldn’t end up having conversations like this.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 25, 2018 at 3:54 pm

    Catherine, I think the tours just want to steer clear of this stuff and not police it and nor should they. It’s more work and silly really. Twitter is designed for people to interact with their fans.

    I really think this will benefit Sandgren since like Scoop says, his play and attitude have won over many people. He will have lots of new fans now. He is exactly what United States tennis needs.

  • Gene · January 25, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    Sandgren’s comments are a breath of fresh.

  • Joe Blow · January 25, 2018 at 5:23 pm

    Yet he’s on Twitter today, on an apology tour. If you believe in something. Stand behind it. Not quake in your Mizuno’s. Easy to post s*** on Twitter, would respect him more( though I think he’s repulsive) if he had the balls to stand behind it. Though I would imagine there are people pushing him to do this apology tour

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 5:23 pm

    Amen Duke, Amen. People talk about the courage of Billie Jean King or Jelena Dokic or Brian Baker or Monica Seles or Vicky Duval or Richard Williams. We might just have to add Sandgren’s courage to the list.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 5:29 pm

    Catherine, contrived pre-scripted tweets or comments are stale and boring. Having the courage to speak your mind spontaneous or live or tweet is to be commended. Free thinking, creativity, expressing your true feelings and thoughts should not be discouraged or censored or intimidated. Of course we all must be careful because “truth is hate to those who hate the truth” and “the truth hurts most of all” and “the most hated man in the world is he who tells the truth.” A lot of people can’t handle the truth and would rather live a beautiful lie than know an ugly truth. I think Sandgren has handled it well. I think Sandgren would admit he may have made some immature and inappropriate tweets a few years ago. The fact the media wants to crucify him for old tweets really shows you what a bunch of jackals so many in the media are. What about tolerance and acceptance of all views and opinions and beliefs?

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 5:36 pm

    Duke and Catherine, “Controversy sells” and Sandgren’s controversial views should help sell the sport right? Courier babbled that Sandgren’s controversy was “not a good look” for tennis but I disagree, controversy sells. Lots of great champions have given the sport bad looks – McEnroe, Agassi, Connors, Nastase, even Courier had a few grudge matches with certain players in the locker room. Even Courier hit a chair umpire in the leg with a return of Sampras serve in Miami which looked like a pre-meditated target according to Cliff Drysdale who called the match on ESPN, as Courier was annoyed by some bad calls that went against him. So tennis is always going to have bad looks and ugly instances like Serena threatening murder of an Asian lineswoman and threatening violence in a dark alley to a female chair umpire. Controversy sells and helps promote the sport. Tennis has survived all controversy. But the left wing media sure is terrified and outraged by lil old Tennys Sandgren speaking his true feelings and views.

  • Scoop Malinowski · January 25, 2018 at 5:37 pm

    Thanks for your comment Gene. I agree, Sandgren’s point of view are a welcome breath of fresh (air). Welcome to the site.

  • Duke Carnoustie · January 25, 2018 at 7:08 pm

    Yes the controversy is good for the sport. Just in recent years look at Agassi and McEnroe and then Capriati getting arrested. All were ripped mercilessly. All all beloved by American fans today. The same will likely happen for Sandgren.

    I do wish he didn’t apologize because he had nothing to apologize for. He said he didn’t like the sight of gay people making out; that’s such a terrible comment? He didn’t say they shouldn’t do that, just that he didn’t care to see it. Guess what? A lot of us feel the same way. I am sure gay people don’t enjoy watching hetero couples either. Is this some kind of mystery? Who could be offended?

    We are tired of being lectured by the Martinas of the world about how tough it is to be gay. Sure there are some people who get bullied and that is tragic. But guess what? The vast majority of people don’t care about anyone’s sexuality. Only gay people go on and on about it. It’s all a cover. Notice in the recent harassment scandal how Kevin Spacey never gets mentioned with the Weinsteins, Matt Lauers, etc. It’s because Spacey is gay and molested young boys and doesn’t fit the liberal agenda of demonizing hetero white men. It’s all plain to see.

    Part of what makes this site the best tennis site to me is we get to say things that aren’t politically correct. I think it’s great and no one should be offended or anything by the great opinions we all have here. I respect all of you and though we may disagree on some things, it is refreshing to be able to be open on our discussions.

  • Dan Markowitz · January 25, 2018 at 8:01 pm

    All I can say is I’m kind of shocked and disappointed that most of the people on this site who have voiced an opinion on Sandgren and his prejudiced tweets have said that they don’t find anything offensive about his tweets.

    What’s wrong with saying Serena’s actions were disgusting? Have a little respect Tennys for Serena Williams and what she’s done in this game, I’d say her record and achievements are the greatest of any player female or male in the history of the sport.

    When I was a young reporter I wrote a story for The New York Times–I know in many posters minds on this site, it’s just a left wing rag of a paper or as Trump likes tocall it a failing newspaper (it’s been failing now for more than a century)–about what black tennis players had to face on the tour. Umpires who were prejudiced, bad lines call, bad practice courts and a fan base in tennis which is like 90 per cent white while their peers were like 96 per cent white, suffice to say, back in the mid 80\s when I wrote the article, it was damn hard to even break through as a run of the mill black pro tennis player.

    And then comes Venus and Serena Williams, and they not only took the game over, but they’re still playing 20 years later. So if Serena gets mad at a lineswoman or she has a thing or two to say to Vinci, Sandgren get over it. You’ve lived a privileged life compared to Serena in every way, especially as a tennis player, so I don’t personally want to hear your opinions on Serena Williams.

    And hey, what century are we currently in, for a male adult or any adult to say that seeing two men or women making out is wrong or disgusting, go back and live in your hole. Get over your heterosexual self. Homosexuality is not a disease that a little kid can catch; it’s not a character misorder, it’s a genetic disposition and I say its hard enough to find love in this world with any mate so if a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman, it might be new to you, but as Scoop has so eloquently stated, everyone should be able to express themselves freely if its not hurting someone and I don’t see how homosexuals kissing in the public–oh my–is hurting anyone.

    I’ll watch Sandgren closely, if he’s playing Delray where I have a press pass and will attend the event, I’ll try to interview him, but for now while he’s not in the realm of a Roscoe Tanner, I’m suspect on him.

  • thompson · January 25, 2018 at 9:47 pm

    “Dan Markowitz · All I can say is I’m kind of shocked and disappointed that most of the people on this site who have voiced an opinion on Sandgren and his prejudiced tweets have said that they don’t find anything offensive about his tweets.”

    Dan, that’s because most sane, reasonable people left this site months ago after finding out about Scoop’s white supremacist beliefs and his demented comments. He’s one of the 30% or so that still support Trump and that small faction of crazies, including Sandgren, are increasingly isolated. I’d almost laugh at Scoop for thinking this is going to be good for tennis and that Sandgren is going to become some kind of big star if it wasn’t so pathetic.

  • catherine · January 26, 2018 at 1:23 am

    Dan – I’m not ‘most people’ , please. I do wish we’d get off this topic.

    The trouble with Twitter, as I wrote above, is that tweets stay around – unlike immature thoughts and conversations they don’t diappear. They can come back, often to peoples’ great discomfiture.

    Many people who read/post on this site are not American and aren’t that interested in US politics. Eg there’s plenty of stuff going on in Britain at the moment which I have opinions about, but I wouldn’t dream of boring anyone here with views on Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn etc. There’s other places for that.

    I’m nót saying we shóuldn’t discuss topics around tennis, only that certain subjects arouse strong feelíngs that can’t be properly dealt with or managed here and may drive others away. Which would be a shame.

  • Dan Markowitz · January 26, 2018 at 4:30 am


    You either find racism and homophobia abhorrent or you don’t. You either object to what Tennys Sandgren said about Serena and gays or you don’t. It has nothing to do really with nationality or politics. When someone posts that Sandgren is a great representative of the modern athlete or a role model it either makes your skin itchy or it doesn’t.

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