Tennis Prose



Jean Appreciates Serena and my Facing Serena Williams book

Facing Serena

It’s always a very grateful feeling to learn a reader is enjoying your book. Jeanius emailed me to say she is happy so far reading Facing Serena Williams and being that the tennis circuit is in a state of suspended animation, I decided to turn it into a story appreciating Serena Williams, who let’s not forget, is more intense, more colorful and more dramatic than John McEnroe or any pro wrestler ever was. ..

“Loving every paragraph in this book. (On p 30) She has always been my
favorite player (ahead of Seles and Hingis). I love her intensity– the shrieks the screams and all of her self expression. I do find it odd that sometimes she will hit a winning point and get mad at herself. I finally concluded that she may not have hit the shot in the way that she wanted (off center?) win or lose the point. Her heart is clearly less with tennis than with her daughter. I hope she goes out on top and not slide down to no longer being a  factor. Would make so many of us fans upset and disappointed. She wants that tie so badly she will not give up. One fewer majors does not mean she isn’t the boat (best of all time) hope she gets what she wants so we can get what we want.”

“She is the best entertainment in tennis ever. What theater!  What drama! When she threatens officials, unlike McEnroe– who was nothing but a tea kettle letting off steam–you get the scary feeling that she might even carry out the threat. Why the umps make the bad calls—especially at the worst possible times in majors– is beyond me. The commentators (some of them simpering) don’t live up to what they are witnessing.  [Don’t get me started on them—good bye  Drysdale, Carrillo, Evert].”

“There isn’t a screenwriter around who could create such a lovable and hate worthy character.  I detest the haters and bigots. They have no idea of the treasure she is. I don’t read twitter. (I have an account but don’t know how to use it!) It’s like NASCAR–the perverse excitement of seeing a wreck [especially if it’s a top driver], the astonishment and relief when the driver walks away uninjured, and the eager to see post-match interview when the driver describes track conditions, car positions, how/why the car went out of control. Boxing, too.”

“As good as she is, Osaka is a snore. Have you ever seen  a more placid and dull player? No tang. Lactose free milk. She makes catching a flounder look exciting. (Caught one once; bucket fell over and it floated away in the surf.) Think bass catching on TV.)”

“So anyway, back to Serena. She has been a miracle of a tennis player. But it’s somewhat sad to see the slower movement. Sometimes she seems to lumber around the around the court, and even waddle up to a short ball. It makes me so sad I don’t even want to watch.”

Here is a feature I did for Tennis Week magazine in 2009 about Serena…

Does Sisterly Devotion Top Sibling Rivalry?

By Jean Kirshenbaum

7/4/2009 11:04:00 PM

As glad as I am that Serena Williams has won Wimbledon, I am even sadder that Venus Williams lost. I felt just awful when the camera showed a downcast and disappointed Venus.  I attribute my strong reaction to the fact that I have an older sister with whom I am very close. Judy and I have never been competitive as adults, especially since we don’t play the same sports. I play tennis. She plays nothing.

As children? That’s another story. I think I hated Judy for most of the years we were growing up. I thought she hated me, too. We fought endlessly and my mother could not bring herself to be the referee. I was so mad at Judy during one fight that I chased her into the bathroom with a baseball bat. To this day I don’t know how she got out!  I couldn’t wait until she left for college. Anyone who knows us would say that it’s not at all that way today. And anyone who knows us is envious of our relationship. Since we are so very different, how did this come about?

We have always given the credit to our parents, who obviously did something right. In fact, my mother’s strongest aim was that Judy and I have this closeness. That may be so because it wasn’t always the case for her and her brothers and sisters. And because my father and his younger brother became estranged as adults.

Speaking of our father, Judy and I were both Daddy’s Girls. Once I even confessed to her that I was his favorite. She insisted she was his favorite! We argued a little over that and still joke about it today. We finally settled on the opinion that it’s a clever and loving Dad who can make both of his daughters feel like the favorite. Congratulations, Richard Williams and Oracene Price. The story of your family is a fascinating miracle.

But here is what I really wonder about.  When tennis is long behind them and the Williams sisters have become old women, I wonder how they will look back on these golden years of their youth and their tennis careers. My picture is that only when they are old will they l be able to retrace their matches, and finally reveal to each other the emotions they felt– both good and bad—about some of the many points, games and matches they have shared and will likely to continue to share, if we are lucky enough to have them stay around for a while.

Until they meet again. Maybe in early September at the U.S.Open?

Jean Kirshenbaum is a Tennis Week contributing writer and avid tennis player based in Pennsylvania. This column is her fifth in a series of Wimbledon From The Armchair blogs that includes For Crying Out Loud and Channeling The Queen’s English.  


  • Jeanius · April 6, 2020 at 2:29 pm

    Serena shares the other half of the book with Steffi Graf. I’m not a fan of Steffi but perhaps after reading this book will feel differently

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 6, 2020 at 2:55 pm

    I was the same way Jean. After doing the book I understand her more and appreciate her more.

  • Jeanius · April 6, 2020 at 3:33 pm

    I’ll let you know what I think

  • Hartt · April 7, 2020 at 9:20 am

    A message for Andrew.
    Match Point Canada

    Flag of Canada
    tennis coach @robsteckley
    joins us this week for an in depth conversation into his life experiences on tour and as a former player!

  • George · April 8, 2020 at 3:32 am


    I am starting to believe that you were right, and this virus pandemic was overhyped. Looks like there maybe many that have no symptoms. However, randomly it kills a small percentage of healthy people; so understandably, there is a real fear that you can be in that group.

    Becoming obvious that Misleadia also doesn’t want a cure or the country to go back to normal. Their mask is slipping in that this may be about the upcoming election.

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 8, 2020 at 7:09 am

    Misledia. Hope Trump gets a hold of that one! Yes George it’s all too clear now the media wants mayhem, division, racial disharmony and this lockdown to last as long as possible. Truly the enemy of the American people. Tennis is in a coma because of political warfare. But tennis will come alive soon. Mismi beach businesses are reopening fir business and saying F off to the lockdown.

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 8, 2020 at 9:00 am

    Good Tweets.

    Candace Owens
    These have been my exact feelings watching the #coronavirus “pandemic” play out.

    We’ve now arrived at the point where doctors and politicians are openly admitting to fluffing the death count.

    Still— the fans continue watching.
    Quote Tweet

    David Sutcliffe
    · 16h
    Remember when everyone knew pro wrestling was fake and they finally admitted it and the fans didn’t care and continued to watch anyway?

    We’re almost there with politics and the media.

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 8, 2020 at 3:37 pm

    Question. How come the media keep telling us to stay home do not stay home themselves?

  • Sam · April 9, 2020 at 2:23 pm

    Yes, as this article indicates, the death count is likely being inflated:

    Truth is, no one knows WHAT the real mortality rate is. The “tests” for Covid-19 are pretty much worthless. It seems the best guess is that it’s akin to a severe seasonal flu.

    And according to Dr. Knut Wittkowski, an epidemiologist, quarantining and social distancing are precisely the WRONG approach:

    “With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children. So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks when the virus has been exterminated.”

    “Question. How come the media keep telling us to stay home do not stay home themselves?”

    Answer: Because they’re hypocrites. 😉

  • Sam · April 9, 2020 at 2:25 pm

    Scoop, I just included a couple of links to articles about Covid-19 in my comment, and it went into moderation. Just a heads-up.

  • Sam · April 9, 2020 at 2:30 pm

    Here’s a link to the actual video of Dr. Wittkowski:

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 9, 2020 at 6:43 pm

    Sam, right you are, hypocrites. Patrick McEnroe supposedly has it but is fine, still playing tennis on social media, still posting on social media. I wonder about the whole thing. The media has vast power- the media can manupilate the minds of young to want to change their gender. Imagine how powerful that power is. Because when we were kids nobody ever thought of changing genders. Now the media hypes and promotes and pushes it as a good thing and rewards some of the ones who do it. So it would be a piece of cake for the media to concoct a fake virus scheme. Easy work. Not sure if it is a total hoax but it could be. Wasn’t the media caught showing an Italian hospital and pretending it was an American? The world has gone mad.

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 9, 2020 at 6:44 pm

    Would the media fake the death stats? Would the media extend this crisis for as long as possible to trouble Trump and the economy so the Democrats can get their power back? Anything is possible.

  • George · April 9, 2020 at 7:15 pm


    Definitely not a hoax. I have physician colleagues on the front lines that see the virus fill the lungs up with fluid and kill people. Most are elderly with health problems, but a few are young and healthy. Healthy ER doc we know is barely hanging on with a ventilator.

    The vast majority will beat the infection. The problem is you don’t know if your immune system will overreact to the virus and kill you. So until there is a treatment to prevent you from dying or a vaccine, you can’t let your guard down.

    At some point we have to accept there is a risk and get back to normal. There is a real risk of dying in a car accident every day, yet we still drive. The elderly and sick need to be extra cautious. Sweden is trying this approach. Let’s see how it plays out over there.

  • Jeanius · April 13, 2020 at 11:52 am

    I’m sorry to see that this article has been hijacked by cobid19 discussion. However, I’m turning it back to tennis & scoops book
    As promised scooped I told you that I would tell you what I think of facing steffi Graf. For sure it ain’t the read of facing Serena Williams. But it’s still interesting thanonetheless.all who know he
    Er say nice and how very shy she is so noone seems to know her very
    Well. They all howevdr

  • Jeanius · April 13, 2020 at 12:07 pm

    Sorry. They all admire he
    R tennis although some acknowledge that her slice backhand was a weakness which confirms my opinion.
    To me Graf was like a flash of lightning streaking across the am
    Sky. I’m not quite finished the book which is not riveting like facing zd

    Serena and I haven’t found her to be iother than what I expected. It’s an interesting book. Had it. N
    Not been the b side of the paperback I wouldn’t have picked it

    The book I want to read is facing Martina hingis.
    Keep up the great work scoop. I remain a fan


  • Scoop Malinowski · April 13, 2020 at 12:55 pm

    Thanks very much Jeanius. Very happy to hear you are enjoying the read of Facing Serena and Steffi. One of the big surprises on Steffi was that as shy and introverted as she was, she somehow managed to make some lifelong friends from tennis, Rennae Stubbs and Patricia Tarabini who she is still in regular contact with and even travels with Tarabini and plays with her still. Hingis was far more open, extroverted and friendly but to my knowledge she is not still close friends with any other players. I will definitely start working on a Facing Martina Hingis project next chance I get. Thanks for the push and spark. Hingis is also one of my favorites and it will surely be a colorful entertaining read.

  • Sam · April 13, 2020 at 2:45 pm

    “Would the media fake the death stats?”

    Scoop, here’s the thing–the “death counts” are almost certainly inflated. If you watch these informative videos by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, a New York physician, then you won’t believe anything you read about the “official” death count:

    (I’m posting the second video in the next post, in order to avoid going into moderation.)

    In a nutshell, as you will learn from the videos, there’s NO reliable test for Covid-19!! Furthermore, if someone dies from pneumonia but tests “positive” for Covid-19, that doesn’t necessarily mean they died from the latter. But doctors are being told to record such deaths as having been caused by Covid-19. You can connect the dots. 😛

  • Sam · April 13, 2020 at 2:46 pm

    The second video with the astute Dr. Kaufman:

  • Sam · April 13, 2020 at 2:57 pm

    Requisite tennis content:

    What’s the ETA for “Facing Hingis”? 🙂

    You know, when Player X starts getting over the hill, you could also launch another book series: “Fading Player X.” 😉

    Just curious–have you ever received direct feedback from any of the subjects of your books?

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 13, 2020 at 7:56 pm

    Sam, exactly. It’s clear and you can feel it from the media tone, this is a drummed up hyped up plannedemic. If you are awake to how that side operates, you can sense it. It’s all about creating another crisis and misery to try to blame and destroy Trump. It’s just unbelievable that these people will resort to destroying a nation and destroying so many people’s lives for political power gains. There are too many whores for power/money. We need to change the world from being about money money money to being about love. Good luck on that.

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 13, 2020 at 7:59 pm

    Sam, yes. Marcelo Rios said, and I remember the exact quote to me in NYC, “I read your book a few months ago. There were some things in it that weren’t true but it was pretty good, pretty good.” His parents both liked it also. Considering the very low regard Rios has for the media, I valued this compliment as very high praise and it meant a lot. But that was the only direct comment I’ve gotten for my tennis books so far.

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 13, 2020 at 8:01 pm

    I’ve had a few other players comment that they really liked my books. Illja Bozoljac said he loved the Rios book. John McEnroe told me liked my book about the Lewis vs Tyson fight. Justin Gimelstob said he liked the Facing books, as did Fred Stolle, he said I do a good job with them.

  • Jeanius · April 14, 2020 at 12:08 am

    Books I want you to face: hingis roddick Ivanovic radwanska davydanko

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 14, 2020 at 9:54 am

    Jean I don’t have the manpower to do books on all of them but I could do a book compilation of facing the greats and almost greats consisting of the players you mentioned and some others like Santoro, Nalbandian, Rochus, Cibulkova, etc.

  • Sam · April 14, 2020 at 2:49 pm

    Oh, I wasn’t familiar with Anthony Causi, and I’m very sorry to hear that he passed away. 🙁 But as with many others, do we *really* know the cause of his death? It’s healthy to be somewhat skeptical. Regardless, I extend my condolences to his loved ones.

    “Sam, exactly. It’s clear and you can feel it from the media tone, this is a drummed up hyped up plannedemic.”

    “Plannedemic”? I like that. That and “scamdemic” are both pretty insightful.

    “If you are awake to how that side operates, you can sense it. It’s all about creating another crisis and misery to try to blame and destroy Trump.”

    Well, it’s interesting that MIT scientist Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is slamming Fauci and saying that he needs to be *indicted*. Even Ron Paul is saying that Fauci needs to be fired. Dr. Ayyadurai has also set up a petition on his Web site to fire Fauci, which has nearly 70,000 signatures so far.

    Here’s a short informative video with Ayyadurai here:

    “It’s just unbelievable that these people will resort to destroying a nation and destroying so many people’s lives for political power gains. There are too many whores for power/money.”

    In one sense it’s shocking, but then in another sense, I guess it’s really not.

    Of course, there is certainly a serious illness that is wreaking havoc with many vulnerable people, and it’s very frightening. But the exact nature of that disease, its cause, how to combat it, etc., do not seem to be well understood right now. 🙁

    “We need to change the world from being about money money money to being about love. Good luck on that.”

    It’s gonna take a LOTTA love,
    To change the way things are.
    It’s gonna take a LOTTA love,
    Or we won’t get too far. 😉

  • Sam · April 14, 2020 at 3:03 pm

    “Marcelo Rios said, and I remember the exact quote to me in NYC, ‘I read your book a few months ago. There were some things in it that weren’t true but it was pretty good, pretty good.’ His parents both liked it also. Considering the very low regard Rios has for the media, I valued this compliment as very high praise and it meant a lot. But that was the only direct comment I’ve gotten for my tennis books so far.”

    That’s really neat!

    “I’ve had a few other players comment that they really liked my books. Illja Bozoljac said he loved the Rios book. John McEnroe told me liked my book about the Lewis vs Tyson fight. Justin Gimelstob said he liked the Facing books, as did Fred Stolle, he said I do a good job with them.”

    Cool. I bet it was really gratifying to hear such feedback.

    “Jean I don’t have the manpower”

    Well, maybe some horsepower would work instead. 😉

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 14, 2020 at 3:21 pm

    Sam, Lotta Love by Nicolette Larson in 1979 is one of my favorite songs of all time.

    Take a loot at the world panDEMic. You have DEM in the middle of panic. There are no coincidences 🙂

  • Scoop Malinowski · April 14, 2020 at 3:24 pm

    Sam, yes they were, the positive feedback is the high point of the creative process. You’re right, horsepower in the form of hiring interns to help collect information. I’ve tried it once so far though and for some odd reason that person could not get anything quality, so I feel the need to do it all myself. My heart is in it, it’s my creation, my passion I guess.

  • Sam · April 15, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    “Lotta Love by Nicolette Larson in 1979 is one of my favorite songs”

    Apparently she passed away pretty young too. I think she was only 46.

    “Take a loot at the world panDEMic.”

    Take a LOOT? 😉 That sounds like a Freudian slip there. And we know that lots of people, like Big Pharma and the media, just want to make a fortune off this crisis. 😛

    “You have DEM in the middle of panic. There are no coincidences 🙂”


    “You’re right, horsepower in the form of hiring interns to help collect information. I’ve tried it once so far though and for some odd reason that person could not get anything quality, so I feel the need to do it all myself.”

    Well, since they seem to be idle at the moment, maybe you could hire an ATP player on the cheap. 😉

    “My heart is in it, it’s my creation, my passion I guess.”

    Well, as they say, if you want something done right . . .



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