By Scoop Malinowski
The sport of tennis has waited a long time to see the controversial enigma Nick Kyrgios put all of his talent, game, maturity, intelligence, flair and genius together. Finally the biorhythms and stars have aligned and the impossible dream is happening this week at Wimbledon. Kyrgios has never played better and yes, he’s ready to shock the world.
Today the 27 year old Kyrgios dismantled Stefanos Tstitsipas in four sets with a dazzling masterpiece of Kyrgios power, accuracy, Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali tennis. But the best part of what Kyrgios did today was demonstrate by actions how fiercely serious and driven he is to finally get the gorilla off his back and do what each of us know he can.
Kyrgios was grunting, roaring, fist pumping with the fury of a young Hewitt or Nadal. He is locked in mentally and his physical game looks virtually unbeatable. “It’s scary how good he is,” remarked a stunned John McEnroe on the ABC TV network broadcast in America.
Of course Kyrgios can rocket serves, forehands and backhands but now he’s competing and grinding like his career and life are on the line. And with an edge to silence all his critics, all the media agitators, everybody who ever doubted him. Some thought this day would never come, but the eccentric young marvel has decided to unleash all his tennis brilliance and genius right now.
Nick can do anything on the court, whether it’s beating Federer, Nadal or Djokovic, and there’s no reason why he can’t blast Brandon Nakashima and Alex deMinaur off the court in the following rounds in the second week, to set up a date with Rafael Nadal in the semifinal.
Kyrgios is the perfect tennis storm right now, a nightmare to deal with, because his entire game is on fire and his mind is right, and he’s even doing the other things that sometimes must be done, like challenging opponent’s gamesmanship and trickery and poor sportsmanship, as he did today when Tsitsipas hit a ball in rage that hit someone. Kyrgios said he should have been defaulted as Djokovic was at US Open. He annoyed Tsitsipas and got in his head and justifiably so.
Surely Nick will challenge and confront Nadal’s gamesmanship and fake injury charades, Muhammad Ali style, if they meet next week, a showdown that now seems destined to happen. It will be very interesting to see how Nadal deals with it.
Because it should be clear now Nick is going to do everything humanly possible to win Wimbledon. He’s suffered enough, he’s got the game, he’s got the burning desire, he’s got the experience and he’s got the courage to do and say whatever is necessary.
Tennis is a wonderful sport but with Nick Kyrgios fully engaged and committed to excellence and being the best he can be, he uplifts the entire sport to a new level of excitement, drama and a thrilling theater unpredictability.
Nick Kyrgios is a blend of Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Marcelo Rios, Lleyton Hewitt, Andre Agassi, John McEnroe, Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman.
All great careers have defining, signature moments and this week may be precisely that for Nick Kyrgios.
Nick Kyrgios · Nike · Wimbledon · Yonex
Jamie Elliott · July 3, 2022 at 2:40 am
He behaves like an evil person. He’s not a good person and he doesn’t deserve a Grand Slam. Hope he goes out in the next round.
Scoop Malinowski · July 3, 2022 at 8:14 am
Is it worse than what Rafa did? Sonego had just broken Rafa for 4-4 in the third, Rafa then calls Sonego to the net to lecture and order him to stop grunting. Rafa, the winner of the last four ATP sportsmanship awards, acting like he’s bigger than the sport, pretending he’s the chair umpire and tournament supervisor. Sonego of course backed down and was humiliated and of course was broken for 4-5 and then lost 6-4. Clear bullying by Rafa. Media now ignoring the incident, if Novak or Nick did what Rafa did yesterday it would be turned into historical event by the media. But because Rafa did a bad thing the media ignores it as it protects Rafa. It would be interesting to see Nick lecture Rafa to stop picking his butt before every single point and also to lecture Rafa to hurry up and stop delaying everybody every match every point. Rafa would fall apart and never recover if Nick gives him the stop butt picking lecture at the net. Hope he does it. That would be interesting.
Sam · July 3, 2022 at 10:43 am
Is it worse than what Rafa did?
No. At least Kyrgios doesn’t clothe himself in a fake aura of niceness.
Sonego had just broken Rafa for 4-4 in the third, Rafa then calls Sonego to the net to lecture and order him to stop grunting. Rafa, the winner of the last four ATP sportsmanship awards, acting like he’s bigger than the sport, pretending he’s the chair umpire and tournament supervisor.
Isn’t it against some rule to do what Nadal did? If not, it should be. This anti-sportsman is a disgrace to the sport. 🤮
Scoop Malinowski · July 3, 2022 at 4:49 pm
Sam, Nick keeps it real always and you have to respect that about him, not a phony cell in his being. What Rafa did yesterday was the worst form of bullying I can ever remember seeing on the court. I know a lot of bullying happens off the court and in the locker room, behind closed doors away from public viewing, but Rafa used his special privileges and star power yesterday to steal that match from Sonego. Disgusting display by Rafa. And it proves equality is a big fat sham, there is no equality in tennis. If Novak did what Rafa did yesterday the entire jackal media would be screaming for his head. But the media covers for Rafa and protects him.
Sam · July 3, 2022 at 6:27 pm
Scoop, so there are no rules against on-court bullying? 🤔
If nothing else, I’m glad that Nadal is showing what a villain he actually is. 🦹
Scoop Malinowski · July 3, 2022 at 7:28 pm
The rule is that a player is not supposed to interact with the opponent, he is supposed to go to the chair umpire to express any grievances. Nadal ignored that rule and confronted and ordered Sonego around like a stooge. It was almost similar to the time McEnroe and Connors confronted each other on court a few times with the lecturing and finger pointing at McEnroe by Connors. It’s preposterous that no one in the tennis media establishment has the guts to call out Rafa on his bullying.
Sam · July 4, 2022 at 6:38 am
It’s preposterous that no one in the tennis media establishment has the guts to call out Rafa on his bullying.
So why didn’t the chair umpire penalize Nadal for breaking the rules? 🤔
Well, Scoop, to properly recognize Nadal for his amazing prowess in bullying, it seems that the ATP needs to create a “Bully of the Year” 👊 award.
So, this year, Nadal would be the proud winner of that award as well as the “Hypocrite of the Year” award for pretending to be injured in Paris even though he said last year that Djokovic could’ve never won the Australian Open with a real injury.
Bully of the Year 🥇
Hypocrite of the Year 🏆
Hey, the accolades for Nadal just keep piling up!! 😆
Scoop Malinowski · July 4, 2022 at 8:50 am
Sam, add Faker of the Year too, Nadal top contender for that too. His fake injury charades in paris is by far the tennis hoax of the decade. Nadal has a nice pleasant image and seems a very likeable gent, I wonder if his image is all fake now.
Sam · July 4, 2022 at 3:52 pm
Sam, add Faker of the Year too, Nadal top contender for that too.
Oops, sorry, Scoop—I forgot that one. 😉
Nadal has a nice pleasant image and seems a very likeable gent, I wonder if his image is all fake now.
Have you ever heard of a wolf in sheep’s clothing? 🐺 😊
Of course, people are complex, so I’m sure Nadal has his good side too. For instance, you said that he’s consistently polite to fans, which is a positive thing. However, based on his chronic treacherous behavior, would I call him a “nice person”? Uh . . . no. 👿
While none of the top tennis players are saints, of course, Djokovic strikes me as being the most genuine of the top three. He doesn’t seem to put on this phony “nice guy” persona just to impress the general public.
Scoop Malinowski · July 4, 2022 at 6:08 pm
Sam, Djokovic is the classiest, most authentic of all. Other players said it in my book Facing Novak Djokovic. He helps players more than Fed and Rafa, Cornet also says this. I like them all and still like them all but how Fed and Rafa have treated Djokovic in the last year made me lose respect for them. Novak is the ultimate champion. In defense of Nadal, he is a beast. And he personifies a memorable quote by my old friend Phil Anselmo: “To be the best in the world at anything, you need to get blood on your hands.” Nadal is a very nice person outside the competitive arena but on the court he can be a vicious killer. He will also use any trick, deception, or mind game that he needs to, to win a tournament. The way he bullied and lectured Sonego the other day was something Novak would never resort to.
Sam · July 5, 2022 at 6:04 am
“To be the best in the world at anything, you need to get blood on your hands.” Nadal is a very nice person outside the competitive arena but on the court he can be a vicious killer.
Scoop, that’s kind of like saying: “Joe Biden did everything under the sun that he could to steal the 2020 election from Trump and the American people. But hey, outside the political arena, he’s a very nice person!” Riiiiiiight. 🤣
Scoop Malinowski · July 5, 2022 at 7:34 am
Sam, basement dummy and his puppetmasters should be facing treason charges and trials. For sure Rafa has a good heart but on court he’s a ruthless vicious maniacal killer. He will do anything to win except tell us what those injections are or about his TUE exemptions.