Florida junior player Mikaeel Ali shared a heartwarming story about meeting Nishesh Basavareddy in Florida recently…
“For the first time, I was rooting for Novak’s opponent. Last month I met Nishesh, an Indian and American tennis player, at Sports Clip in Boca Raton while getting a much-needed haircut. He sat next to me and asked the hairdresser for advice on growing his hair longer. I recognized him immediately and was impressed by his humility. He plays similarly to Novak Djokovic but is incredibly down-to-earth. I mentioned that I thought he should be playing in the Middle East and Australia, and his eyes sparkled. He asked how I recognized him, and I told him I’m a fan of his playing style. Before leaving, he wished me good luck and asked me to message him. I’m thrilled to see his hard work paying off, and he’s suddenly a global star, playing exceptionally well against Novak.”
Basavareddy lost in four sets to Dkokovic first round at Australian Open in what was his first ever Grand Slam match
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