Former NHL player analyzes Serena vs Wang
172 Comments · Posted by Scoop Malinowski in Bios

Kent Carlson was a physical defenseman for the National Hockey League’s Montreal Canadiens, St. Louis Blues and Washington Capitals back in the 1980s. He also watched last night’s epic Serena Williams vs Qiang Wang Australian Open third round clash and shared his perspective…
“DAVID vs GOLIATH. When your physical gifts are so above all others in your sport you should win. But yes many other things are involved too….mental toughness, heart, determination, grit, competitiveness, etc. But I see Serena Williams as a bully, classless, an excuse maker for bad behavior. A prima donna who is fawned over by so many which confuses me. Don’t we still like the underdog, the humble one, the one who loses with anger but composure? I’ve never been more stumped by an athlete’s popularity as I am by Serena Williams. I was so amazed by Wang Qiang’s tiny self digging so deep and beating the Goliath bully Serena at the Australian Open last night….AWESOME. If you question me on this remember Serena threatened to shove a ball down a female lineswomans throat and Utube the rest……sorry for all who don’t follow tennis.”
An interesting, honest analysis to say the least. Serena is a goliath figure in pro tennis and yet the crowds always do cheer for her as if she was a David.
Kent Carlson · NHL · Serena
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 6:27 pm
Frank Dancevic is one of the best interviews in tennis and I believe he played a match this year as an alternate, still active a lil bit. Good man for Tennis Canada.
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 6:30 pm
Dancevic destroyed Granollers in that Davis Cup match. Dancevic had some genius moments, just a few but he had them.
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 6:31 pm
Hartt, why did Dabrowski split with her longtime partner Xu?
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 6:33 pm
Jeff, even if Sandgren made the finals in AO, it would still be overshadowed by the Kobe celebrations. Everything takes a back seat to Kobe for the next week or two. It’s unreal how the media is lionizing a rapist. Yes Kobe was a great guy and class act with a good image but he’s also a rapist.
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 6:36 pm
Jon it’s bizarre how Sandgren’s run got a fraction of the hype and coverage Coco got. Even if Sandgren won the title he’d still be in the shadow of Kobe and Coco. Media doesn’t have agendas? But one thing is for sure now, Sandgren gained a ton of new fans last night and now he knows he has the game to pay a major semi or final, or even maybe win a major.
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 6:37 pm
Jon, right, Kenin is getting no media hype at all, she’s still in the shadows of Coco and Serena, that’s who the media wants to win. If Kenin wins it will be interesting to see how the media handles it. If Kenin was black the media would be going crazy hyping her right now.
Jeff · January 28, 2020 at 7:05 pm
Kobe was never convicted of anything and the accuser dropped the charges. His statement is that he felt the sex was consensual, though the woman – whose name I have forgotten – said in the aftermath it was not. Based on that, I think rape is not correct by any stretch. It was more like a drunken fling gone wrong.
The media hype around his death is because ESPN has a huge NBA contract. But I think the Sandgren story would have gained traction and he really played a tremendous match. A pity he didn’t have the courage to close it out. But that is what seperates him from that level, I suppose.
Jeff · January 28, 2020 at 7:07 pm
Just to be clear if every woman I had drunken flings with accused me and I was convicted, I would have been in and out of jail quite a bit. Sometimes, these flings just have unfortunate consequences the morning after. The lesson is it is better to bed more mature women than the young ones as tempting as they may be.
Hartt · January 28, 2020 at 8:49 pm
Scoop, regarding Gaby and Xu, I read there were two reasons. One was they hadn’t been getting the results they were hoping for, and the other was that Xu had commitments in China which prevented her from being available for doubles some of the time.
Andrew Miller · January 28, 2020 at 8:49 pm
If Querrey, Isner get no press, you have your answer. They don’t. In fact, when US players do well down under there’s generally little press.
Sad but true: the game lost out to many other sports here.
However a few young bankable stars would change that, they have in Canada. Canadian sportswriters have never had it so good with legitimate superstars that aren’t looking to trade in their passports and who passionately play for Canada in a high profile global sport.
And as far as Sandgren goes, don’t think for a second the guy hasn’t once again changed his career prospects for the better. His agent is presumably knocking on doors and making pitches, and Sandgren must be pleased he will have direct entry into most of the big money tournaments this year. Don’t feel sorry for him.
Andrew Miller · January 28, 2020 at 8:54 pm
As for Kenin: enjoy the low profile. I hope she puts up a fight. She will have the crowd against her.
Scoop Malinowski · January 28, 2020 at 10:44 pm
Sandgren should be all decked out in wilson fila or Nike. Wearing the Hodge podge stuff he is is an insult. But then again, a fine player like hsieh cant get an endorsement break either.
Jon King · January 28, 2020 at 10:50 pm
Lets get the truth out about Kobe and Colorado then back to tennis. Kobe lied to the cops that he even had any interaction with the teenager. Then physical evidence proved he did and he changed his story.
The girl told her friend right after it happened. She was a star stuck teen who kissed Kobe then he brutalized her, Her blood was on his shirt, she had physical injuries and bruises. No girl, even star struck ones, would agree to be rough handled like Kobe did to her.
Kobe told the cops that “his thing is to grab girl’s by the neck.” And she had bruises on her neck which she obviously did not agree to!!!
Kobe’s rabid fan cult attack everything about the girl, all the Nike backed lawyers destroyed her. She was to scared to testify. His lawyers even got to people who leaked her private medical history. Unheard of. They made up stories about her.
She should have had her day in court, both sides tell their story, present evidence, police testify, nurse who saw her afterwards testify, no intimidation….just 2 people who present their cases and a jury decides.
Kobe would have likely been convicted and served 10 years and been a life long sex offender.
To see these people attempt to change history and make him a saint is gross. I can’t even turn on the TV these days I am so disgusted by this crap.
Andrew Miller · January 28, 2020 at 11:54 pm
And Muguruza d. Pavs. Thought Muguruza was going to make a run after hiring Conchita Martinez, and indeed she has. As Halep d. Kontaveit (terrible scorelines, 6-1 6-1), we have two in form slam champs battling for the chance to play Kenin or Barty.
Andrew Miller · January 29, 2020 at 12:44 am
Zverev seems in control vs Wawrinka. Wawrinka this fourth set can’t seem to get it together, and Zverev, who’s playing OK, is holding serve pretty easily. I continue to be surprised Zverev (often) stands so far behind the baseline, but it’s working, and he isn’t there all the time.
Jeff · January 29, 2020 at 12:45 am
Sure Kobe lied. He was married after all and never should have had sex with her.
At the end of the day, the woman has to take it to court. This is not a third world country or one ruled by the mob. The court system is not perfect but it is all we have. I agree there should have been a trial. Without one, it is speculation. Did she get paid off because she was telling the truth or because a night of rough sex would be out in the open in testimony? We will never know.
catherine · January 29, 2020 at 1:02 am
Good solid win, looking at the stats, by Mugs over Pavs. Sport, especially tennis, is wonderful at showing how much goes on mentally, subconsciously, around performance level. Muguruza had a terrible slump, couldn’t win a match, changes coaches and whole approach to the game, and she’s back there. The talent never went away.
Could be close between Garbine and Halep but I think Simona will win.
catherine · January 29, 2020 at 1:20 am
Simona will win the title. After all the hype and rubbish is cleared away she’s the best player left standing.
And now….
Scoop Malinowski · January 29, 2020 at 1:56 am
Conchita takes lead in coach of the year race.
Jon King · January 29, 2020 at 7:12 am
Jeff…we know. Just what Kobe admitted to and what the police and nurse saw were enough to convict a person with lesser means. He was pretty close to confessing that night.
Kobe had legions of crazed fans, I remember being viciously attacked on the ESPN comment forum when discussing the case. Just imagine what she went through.
Nike hired the best lawyers and private investigators to destroy the girl. She never had a chance. No one could have been tough enough to get to court.
Kobe was a violent rapist who used his immense power to get away with it. End of story.
Now back to tennis.
Kent Carlson · January 31, 2020 at 4:41 pm
Scoop you are a hero to me because you call it as you see it regardless of popularity!! Thats rare these days….proud to meet you on fb, thx..
Scoop Malinowski · January 31, 2020 at 5:54 pm
Kent thank you, gotta stand up for what we believe in even if we have to stand alone. Honor to meet you also, you are a blast from my childhood. Still remember Fred Shero saying you were one of the toughest guys in the NHL, after a Devils game in NJ when he was a radio analyst. My and my friends cornered him and deluged him with questions and he talked with us for half an hour, it was shortly after your fight with Holmgren. That fight sent shockwaves through the NHL. Thanks for reading the site and we have to meet in person someday.