Marcelo Rios Tells Media at Davis Cup: “You all suck”
64 Comments · Posted by Scoop Malinowski in Scoop
By Scoop Malinowski
Former world number one Marcelo Rios continues to hold the media in disdain. Rios, who has had a confrontational and often bitter relations with the media since his junior career, was fined $2,500 on Saturday for telling journalists they “suck” at a Davis Cup tie vs. Ecuador.
The heavily tattoed and very muscular 42-year-old Chilean, now based in Sarasota, FL, was sanctioned by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) after he refused to be interviewed during the Davis Cup clash contested by Chile and Ecuador in Santiago, Chile.
In a video seen on Twitter, assistant coach Rios stops and lets a pack of reporters surround him with TV cameras and microphones. One reporter asks a question to Rios, who was wearing a blue tank top and backward orange cap and sunglasses. Rios responded deadpan with an unexpected insult.
“As my personal friend Diego Maradona says, I never speak to reporters as you all suck,” said Rios, the team’s assistant coach, was filmed as saying.
The reporter tried to ask another question to Rios who replied again, “You can all keep sucking.” Rios then bent over to pick up his bag and strode off, leaving the group of reporters stunned, amused and perplexed.
The ITF issued a statement that read: “Video footage of the incident was reviewed by the tie referee who determined that Mr Rios’s comments were abusive and violated the Davis Cup code of conduct. The ITF condemns all forms of offensive behavior and is supportive of the work of the media.”
Rios had many controversial incidents with the world tennis media and also the Chilean media throughout his career, of which several episodes are chronicled in my book “Marcelo Rios: The Man We Barely Knew.” Tim Henman stated that Rios viewed the media as “parasites” and rarely showed any respect or regard for any journalists although he did read my book and told me in New York “I read your book. There were some things in there that weren’t true but it was pretty good, pretty good.”
Despite the controversy, Chile managed to defeat Ecuador 3-1 in the tie with Nicolas Jarry winning both of his singles matches.
Chile · Davis Cup · Marcelo Rios
I.Haychew · February 23, 2018 at 10:51 pm
How about Seattle Seahawks DE Michael Bennett crying police brutality/racism when it was a lie? Or the Michael Brown "Hands Up Don't Shoot" fiction? Yes, there are crooked policeman. But a few "bad apples" don't define us, just as a few "bad apples" don't define any other group.
I.Haychew · February 23, 2018 at 11:08 pm
Busted said:
Th US Constitution did no such thing. The Declaration of Independence did.
Busted · February 27, 2018 at 5:07 pm
I never said any of that and I certainly never said I hate America or shite on the Constitution or DoI. It's amazing how people take their own prejudices and incorrectly extrapolate one comment into a whole slew of nonsense that wasn't said.
All I said is that the national anthem has a racist history (just like a ton of other things in this country are steeped in our racist past). Therefore if anyone, be it African-Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, Asians, etc., etc., want to participate in non-violent protest during the playing of a song – I don't have a problem with it. If people have a problem with non-violent protests during the national anthem then they need to move to a fascist country where people get killed for peaceful protests. Whether you like it or not the 1st amendment protects the right to protest and nowhere in it does it say, "Except for during the playing of the national anthem…which has not yet been written but if we ever do have one any form of protest during the playing of it shall be deemed totally freaking illegal, boo!"
As far as my employer and protests? Funnily enough I work for a public institution so they have no choice about protests. We have more protests for dumb stuff than you can shake a stick at. At least once a week or so protesters with signs are railing about something. As long as they have a permit and nothing gets out of hand they're free to protest about whatever they want. The cops very rarely have to get involved and remove people. And I'm talking all ethnic groups. There's always someone mad about something. I just keep my head down and keep moving.
Busted · February 28, 2018 at 11:17 am
You never did answer the question "How?"[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing this means you're not a minority? You go in a store…the sales person follows you around but there are 20 white people that nobody's watching. People say stupid shite to you like, "There's a very nice African-American woman who lives next door to me." That one's subtle. You're in a store and write a check – they ask for 2 forms of ID. The white person in front of you only had to produce their driver's license. And my personal favorite was the time I was at work , customer comes in, we're chit chatting…and she says to me, "You have such nice hair. What part of India are you from?" I have ZERO accent and am NOT Indian but apparently black people aren't supposed to have "nice hair" and since I'm not coal black, then obviously I MUST be from a foreign country that has brown people. She was clueless that she was even being racist. I spend a lot of time biting my tongue. Then there's listening to people refer to physicians from India or Pakistan as "LBDs" behind their backs – "Little Brown Doctors." And I'm standing there going, "Uh…HELLO! I'm right here!" Apparently some people think it's OK to be racist about another ethnic group in front of you because they're not talking about you and you MIGHT agree with them. And yes, these physicians are fully aware this is what they're called behind their backs. Racism in this day and age can seem like a "nothing burger" to non-minorities, but believe me – it's not nothing when you're constantly on the receiving end of it.
Busted · February 28, 2018 at 11:26 am
I.Haychew said:
Sure, they could…but again…you're missing the point about the protests. They weren't protesting the national anthem itself. Kaepernick was protesting police brutality and since the national anthem is played before every game that was his one opportunity before the game to publicly protest. It was Trump who conflated the two to deflect from RussiaGate. He's the one who blew it up into a national incident. Prior to that it had been going on for months with little notice and very little ink. So thank the "dear leader" for turning it into more than it otherwise would have been. If Kaepernick had instead chosen to take a knee on the 50 yard line right before play started – would some people still be as pissed off as they are? I say yes because it's the very fact that he had the gall to protest that seems to annoy people. They think he's living a privileged life and should be thankful for it and STFU. Oprah's a billionaire and even she has gone on rants about how she's been profiled and shut out of exclusive Parisian stores – and nobody blinks. Black man takes a knee at a football game and it's a national incident. Whatever.
Busted · February 28, 2018 at 11:54 am
I.Haychew said:
Actually the NFL is not a completely privately held enterprise. The Green Bay Packers is a publicly held non-profit corporation and has been since 1923. If you're a cop, then you know that privately held companies are sued for violating civil rights all the time.
Question – by "average Americans" do you mean WHITE Americans? You folks are freaking out because you know that in less than 30 years you're going to be minority in the world – not just the US. Don't worry though…I'm sure the Republicans are already planning how to implement their own version of apartheid.
OK…I'm done with this convo now. You've clearly never tried to see the world from a minority perspective and seem incapable of doing so. I come here to talk tennis not to interact with white supremacists masquerading as tennis fans. It's not like I didn't already know this…but…racists are everywhere.
EquineAnn · February 28, 2018 at 4:29 pm
I.Haychew said:
Like all nationalities you get good people & you get not so good people.
Scoop Malinowski · February 28, 2018 at 7:11 pm
Scoop Malinowski writes:
Blacks commit more murders on whites than vice versa. Research the stats. If you post this nonsense about whites hunting down blacks I will just trash your stupid comments Haychew.
I.Haychew · February 28, 2018 at 7:56 pm
What are you talking about? I'm a white cop in a mid-sized town in Indiana. The area I patrol is probably 80-90% black. My partner (who also is white) and I don't target blacks. However, when we do stop someone who happens to be black, we often hear this…"You're just stopping me because I'm black". Sadly, police are believed to be racists who want to hunt down and shoot/kill black people.
Scoop Malinowski · February 28, 2018 at 8:00 pm
Scoop Malinowski writes:
That's the result of the anti white media brainwashing on blacks to believe that all whites hate blacks. Which is the furthest thing from the truth. Blacks are brainwashed to hate police, through rap music, anti white media, TV and movies. Yes there are some bad cops but most are good and fair. Blacks must obey police commands and obey the law. Anyone who disobeys a police officer's orders is asking to be shot.
I.Haychew · February 28, 2018 at 8:12 pm
I'm guessing this means you're not a minority? You go in a store…the sales person follows you around but there are 20 white people that nobody's watching. People say stupid shite to you like, "There's a very nice African-American woman who lives next door to me." That one's subtle. You're in a store and write a check – they ask for 2 forms of ID. The white person in front of you only had to produce their driver's license. And my personal favorite was the time I was at work , customer comes in, we're chit chatting…and she says to me, "You have such nice hair. What part of India are you from?" I have ZERO accent and am NOT Indian but apparently black people aren't supposed to have "nice hair" and since I'm not coal black, then obviously I MUST be from a foreign country that has brown people. She was clueless that she was even being racist. I spend a lot of time biting my tongue. Then there's listening to people refer to physicians from India or Pakistan as "LBDs" behind their backs – "Little Brown Doctors." And I'm standing there going, "Uh…HELLO! I'm right here!" Apparently some people think it's OK to be racist about another ethnic group in front of you because they're not talking about you and you MIGHT agree with them. And yes, these physicians are fully aware this is what they're called behind their backs. Racism in this day and age can seem like a "nothing burger" to non-minorities, but believe me – it's not nothing when you're constantly on the receiving end of it.[/QUOTE]
I never said that racism doesn't exist. It does. You are saying that you experience racism on a daily basis. I don't know. Maybe you do. If so, then that is terrible. I don't agree that the US is systemically racist, though.
I.Haychew · February 28, 2018 at 8:26 pm
Again…What does the National Anthem have to do with the alleged police brutality epidemic? Why "protest" during the National Anthem? Like you said…Why not "protest" at some other time during the game. If the team and/or the NFL allows it, then fine. And, by the way…This was "hot topic" in sports even before Trump started tweeting about it.
I.Haychew · February 28, 2018 at 8:38 pm
1) Then maybe Kaepernick should consider applying for a job with the Green Bay Packers.
Yes, private sector companies ARE sued for civil rights violations. So?
2) By "average Americans", in this context, I mean people who watch NFL games.
3) I'm not racist or a white supremacist. I view things from a color-blind perspective.
I.Haychew · February 28, 2018 at 8:57 pm
No you aren't…Because you think you have the moral high ground and because of your need to have the last word. Before you go on another anti-Trump rant, just know that I can't stand the guy.