Djokovic and Barty Both Dominating With Head Racquets
3 Comments · Posted by Scoop Malinowski in Scoop
Did you know the two No. 1 players in the world both use racquets produced by Head?
Yes, Novak Djokovic and Ash Barty, the top ranked players in the ATP and WTA respectively, both compete with Head racquets.
Barty has used Head for her entire pro career. She endorses the Head Graphene 360 Speed MP but she actually plays with a racquet based on the Head Youtek Speed Pro.
Djokovic switched from Wilson to Head in 2009. While the racquet Djokovic plays with is painted to look like a Head Graphene 360 Speed Pro, he really uses a Head pro stock frame modified to his specifications.
In 2018 after a stretch of subpar results and an elbow injury, Djokovic decided he needed some alterations and fine tuning to his racquet with the help of his former co-coach Andre Agassi, who is a meticulous racquet expert. Jim Courier once revealed Agassi would ask top ATP players to donate their racquets to his charities, and then Agassi would test and analyze each players racquets to better understand and gain insights to their games. Agassi directed Djokovic to collaborate with the renowned racquet technician Roman Prokes of RPNY Tennis. Prokes agreed and worked with Head to tweak Djokovic’s setup.
Some of the changes Djokovic made were reducing the swing weight from 370 grams to 360 grams, reducing the static weight from 359g to 353g, extending the length of the racquet to 27.1 inches and altering the string pattern from 18 x 20 to 18 x 19. The results produced immediate positive results as Djokovic regained ATP domination and the world No. 1 ranking, which he still holds today.

Barty · Djokovic · Graphene 360 · Head Speed Pro · Head tennis · Youtek Speed Pro
Scoop Malinowski · April 8, 2021 at 9:51 pm
I found a Head Speed Pro pro stock racquet in a second hand store two years ago and instantly loved it and began using it in all training and tournaments, replacing my former racquet of over a decade, the old Volkl Tour 8 and Tour 10. I’m still using it today and whenever I let friends demo it they all love it instantly and want it, and I can even see how their ball striking is better, cleaner, smoother, it has thin beam so less lag and drag. Head is the best.
Cory · April 11, 2021 at 11:20 pm
Head? I’m surprised they aren’t using the coveted ADIDAS racquets 😉 Sorry, left turn there.
Scoop Malinowski · April 12, 2021 at 8:47 am
Cory, I never tried any adidas racquet but a friend who is a solid player still says his old adidas racquet is still his all time favorite. Didn’t help his volleys though )