Looks Like John McEnroe Finally Has Found His Junior Phenom
2 Comments · Posted by Scoop Malinowski in Articles
It has come to my attention that the John McEnroe Tennis Academy has finally found the young phenom tennis talent it has been waiting close to a decade to discover and develop.
The youngster is not yet a teenager and lives about an hour from the Randall’s Island complex, which he currently attends three times a week. The other days he trains with his father at home and various hitting partners, including a former ATP pro.
Already, not even in junior high school, this wonder kid can hit on almost even terms with a former ATP level professional. He can also get his serve back. And I’ve seen this serve and played against it, it’s far beyond what you typically see from 4.5 and even 5.0s, it’s bonafide ATP calibre.
This kid already has a racquet endorsement deal.
So now it will be up to the McEnroe Academy on how to handle this extraordinary player. Full scholarship? Full scholarship and added benefits? But also it’s important to be careful about not spoiling the kid and letting his head get too big too early.
JMTA has the teen phenom in their hands. But are they ready and capable of properly developing him?
Gaurang · June 24, 2021 at 4:14 am
Interesting. What’s his name and age?
Is he interested in pursuing this further?
Scoop Malinowski · June 24, 2021 at 8:45 am
Gaurang, I don’t want to say his name but he’s of Indian descent. No idea what the family decision will be, could move to Florida. Could stay in NJ and go to McEnroe. A lot of options.