Djokovic Refuses To Back Down, Like Muhammad Ali
43 Comments · Posted by Scoop Malinowski in Articles, Scoop

By Scoop Malinowski
World No. 1 Novak Djokovic will not back down from his stand against Covid virus vaccine and freedom of choice of what he will accept into his body.
Australian Open admitted the defending champion and betting favorite a medical exemption into the main draw next week however political figures have overruled that decision and will not let the Serbian play or stay in the country. He’s currently being detained in a hotel and will be deported back to Serbia in the next 24 hours.
Earlier today there was a story about Novak having an “issue” with his visa and not having all the right documents to gain entry into Australia. The story broke in the media when he was on his flight from Serbia. The question begs: How did the Australian officials know what he had or didn’t have? If they knew before – why let him depart? From the outside view it appears Novak Djokovic was a 100 percent set up today.
Remember, the experts gave Novak permission to play, as they have given medical exemptions to over two dozen other anonymous players. But the politicians denied him. Why are politicians making decisions and not the experts? Perhaps this drama was never about “the science” but totally about “politics.” And the politics seem to want Djokovic’s head on a platter, to make an example for all the millions of people who refuse to take a drug shot which has proven to be a failure, along with masks, mandates, lockdowns, shutdowns and now this so called shot, or vaccine or experimental drug, whatever it really is Big Pharma isn’t saying nor will they accept liability if it has long term adverse affects.
Novak Djokovic, by refusing to back down from his insistence to not take the drug shot which may cost him his record breaking 21st Grand Slam title, has now become a global hero of sorts, on par with Muhammad Ali, who famously refused to be drafted into the Vietnam War, a decision which the American government punished him for by canceling his boxing career for over three years while he was World Heavyweight Champion.

The whole drama has created a phenomenal amount of publicity for the 2022 Australian Open and the sport itself. And one gets the sense the story is not over yet…
AO · Covid · Natural immunity · Novak Djokovic · Serbia
Sam · January 6, 2022 at 12:41 am
While I admire the fact that Djokovic doesn’t want to get jabbed, a hero is usually someone who does something that benefits others. So . . . what exactly has Djokovic done to defend the rights of players like Pierre-Hugues Herbert, Olivia Gadecki, and Tennys Sandgren? 🤔 Nothing, to my knowledge.
He should’ve been using his PTPA platform for months now to lobby for changes to the draconian Australian Open “policy.” Basically, he should’ve said, “You shouldn’t need to get jabbed to attend. All those players who don’t want to get the jab should still be allowed to compete, and the accommodations for them should be reasonable. If not, then I will be calling for a boycott of the tournament until conditions change.” 🚫
Anyway, Djokovic did none of that. Most sports superheroes are merely looking out for #1, and that’s clearly what Djokovic is doing. On the other hand, what Tennys Sandgren did is far more admirable. He didn’t look for loopholes to get a special exemption. He simply said, “I’m not going to the tournament, because I don’t want to get the jab.” That was the brave—and right—thing to do. 👍
Do I think Djokovic could’ve been set up? Yes, it’s possible. But regardless, nobody should be playing in this evil tournament. As I said, I don’t plan to follow the tournament at all—not even the daily results. I’m sure I’ll hear the results once the two weeks are over, but until then, I plan to tune out the whole thing out, as if there’s no tennis at all during those two weeks. 🙈
You’re probably right—the story may not be over yet. But hopefully everything that happens will be for the best. If Djokovic doesn’t get to play, then maybe some of the sheeple will finally wake up and smell the tyranny. 🐑 And as you said, all this lunacy will probably actually elevate Djokovic in the eyes of many.
jayita · January 6, 2022 at 12:47 am
great piece Scoop, there is so much outcry over here in australia and i fully agree that the officials had his head on the block before he even arrived to make a political statement – that we must ALL be vaccinated. 4pm hearing today in the federal court to see if this “decision” can be reversed….
Sam · January 6, 2022 at 12:51 am
American government punished him for by canceling his boxing career for over three years while he was World Heavyweight Champion.
Interesting—didn’t know about this. What exactly did the U.S. government do to sabotage Ali’s career?
Cory · January 6, 2022 at 1:03 am
A+ Scoop, and Bravo Novak… you will have my respect & support forever for this. Brought a tear to my eye. A hero of sorts, for standing up firmly with conviction to the NWO brigands. This could cost him his last “best chance” at that 21st slam, and if in a few years’ time that holds true, the huge, glaring asterix that will be donned will carry even more weight as I’m sure this public excoriation will be remembered in infamy. God bless us.
Cory · January 6, 2022 at 1:07 am
Sam – didn’t hear that about Sandgren. Bravo. And you’re right – while Djokovic has maintained his position of privacy and choice, he hasn’t DONE anything to really effectuate change. However sticking to your guns when the going gets tough cost him a chance here where it hurts the most (best crack at 21) and effectively, martyrized himself.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 7:51 am
Sam, Djokovic is doing it for the world now. All the millions of unbrainwashed people who are sick of this scamdemic plannedemic which has locked down the world except the damned media. Dodging the AO like Sandgren doesn’t accomplish anything, Djokovic went down there for a fight and he’s got it now. I agree, the communists of Australia have destroyed their crown jewel event, they are now a nation of global scorn.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 7:53 am
Thanks Jayita. Please keep us posted on your point of view from Australia. I did see that photo of the protest on the highway bridge in Australia witht he slogan I Stand With Novax Djokovic. The fake news media is telling us the public resents Djokovic but I think the actual truth may be far different. All the people showing up with Novak support signs having them confiscated. Sure there are more examples. Thanks for dropping in again, been too long.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 7:54 am
Sam, Ali was the dominant reigning World Heavyweight Champion and he was not allowed to fight for over three years while in his prime. He made his comeback in 1970 vs Jerry Quarry in Atlanta.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 7:56 am
Amen Cory. They are trying to crucify Novak Djokovic like he’s Jesus Christ.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 8:42 am
This entire drama is one of the biggest advertisements and promotions of our sport we have ever seen. Novak is transcending tennis beyond what Federer and Nadal and Borg and McEnroe Connors Serena ever did. This whole controversy is taking tennis to a new level. Similarly Peng Shuai’s recent drama also boosted the profile of tennis. Sadly, the sport probably will not benefit from the massive exposure generated by Novak and Peng, who if they played in the 2022 AO would have drawn record all time tv ratings for pro tennis. Imagine if somehow Novak and Peng were added to the main draw in mens singles and women’s singles or doubles as a wildcard next week.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 11:30 am
From Zagreb, tennis legend Niki Pilic just said on N1 TV (Serbian): “Australia is a puppet state on the strings pulled by US and Britain.”
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 11:31 am
Novak is the symbol of the fight vs the totalitarian global covid tyranny.
George · January 6, 2022 at 12:38 pm
What is remarkable to me is the righteous indignation that some people seem to feel about this whole issue and the glee with which they welcomed the news that Djokovic is now sitting in a cell. Many of them are considering themselves tennis lovers! Here we have a tennis legend, one of the best players in the world, one of a kind, really who created incredible tennis and overtook so many records set by his equally amazing rivals and the tennis world does cannot unite behind him because why exactly? – They disagree with his (apparent) unwillingness to get vaccinated? – It’s fine to disagree, but why instead of rejoicing that they will see Djokovic play at AO in spite of all the draconian restrictions, they feel that “justice has been served” when he is reported to be detained and possibly denied the entry to the country? Why insist on equal application of rules in this case when everyone knows that (a) there are always going to be exceptions, and (b) that tennis is going to lose?
I’ve seen so many indignant messages like “why are WE going through this and that and he isn’t?”, “why my grandparents are unable to enter into Australia and he is?”. There seems to be some collective psychosis going on here. Look, I’m sorry you haven’t seen your grandma in two years. In a reasonable society there should be a way to fly your grandma in and not jeopardize the health of the entire nation. But with all due respect, Djokovic is not your grandma: he has millions of fans (not just *his* fans, *tennis* fans) behind his back and he passed your government exception criteria. So, to the Australian government, stop playing stupid political games already! It’s insulting to tennis world everywhere and only fosters hatered and discord.
Kenny · January 6, 2022 at 1:15 pm
He is no different from any of us mere mortals if aussie gives up to him then they are stupid
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 1:58 pm
George it’s Novak the symbol of the fight vs totalitarian global covid tyranny. The battles lines are drawn. This is a major fight now. This champion of the world has more guts, courage, bravery in his big toe than Federer and Nadal combined. This could even escalate into possible war. I would not be shocked if the Serbian president threatens to send his military to Melbourne to deal with these Australian psychopaths holding Novak Djokovic as a political prisoner over a drug shot that is a proven failure.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 2:02 pm
Very interesting that Srdjan Djokovic said at the press confernece today that “They crucified Jesus Christ, now they are crucifying my son.” I have been saying this same comparison of “crucifying Novak” since early 2021. Now he uses the same line. Maybe Srdjan is a tennis-prose.com reader.
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 2:04 pm
Kenny, why do you care if Novak takes or refuses the drug shot that is a proven failure, along with six feet, masks, mandates, lockdowns? BTW why won’t the media shutdown? Maybe this virus is their vehicle to steal our freedom forever?
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 4:23 pm
It’s funny, I have been saying the tyrants are trying to crucify Novak like Christ all last year and again this morning at 8 am in response to Cory. Hours later Srdjan Djokovic uses the same comparison. Wouldn’t be shocked if he’s a devoted reader of http://www.tennis-prose.com
Scoop Malinowski · January 6, 2022 at 7:53 pm
Isn’t it interesting the ATP and WTA had so much to say about the Peng Shuai situation but are scared to death to speak a peep about supporting Novak Djokovic’s heroic stance. They all cared about if Peng Shuai was safe but won’t dare say a word of support demanding Novak’s safety.
McEnroe BJK Blake Osaka Courier Agassi Federer Serena all totally silent about this injustice against Novak Djokovic. The silence is deafening. Where are the heroes?
Sam · January 7, 2022 at 12:33 am
Dodging the AO like Sandgren doesn’t accomplish anything
Scoop, have you never boycotted a corrupt company before? What else would you suggest that Sandgren do—sacrifice his principles and get the jab?? 🤔
He’s basically boycotting the event, just like Herbert and Gadecki. If enough players would do so, the event would be seriously hurting financially.
As Johan Kriek pointed out, Djokovic should’ve said, “No, I’m not coming to the Australian Open unless you change the policies so that everyone—jabbed or not—can participate.” However, if you participate in such a corrupt event, then you’re enabling their tyranny.
Sam · January 7, 2022 at 12:35 am
he was not allowed to fight for over three years while in his prime.
Scoop, I don’t understand. How did the government prevent Ali from fighting?
Sam · January 7, 2022 at 12:44 am
However sticking to your guns when the going gets tough cost him a chance here where it hurts the most (best crack at 21) and effectively, martyrized himself.
Cory, that may be true, but Djokovic never realized this was going to happen. He didn’t step on that plane with any intention of making a sacrifice—what happened was that the tyrants turned on him. That makes him a victim, not a hero. It’s kind of like getting robbed. 😉
Anyway, I hope everything blows up in the sorry Australian government’s face. 🤮
Sam · January 7, 2022 at 12:48 am
This entire drama is one of the biggest advertisements and promotions of our sport we have ever seen.
Yes, it kind of reminds me of how the “whack heard ’round the world” against Nancy Kerrigan in 1994 sent the ratings of figure skating into orbit! 😆
Sam · January 7, 2022 at 1:02 am
Very interesting that Srdjan Djokovic said at the press confernece today that “They crucified Jesus Christ, now they are crucifying my son.”
Scoop, while I understand what you’re saying, I think comparing Djokovic and Jesus Christ in the same sentence is ridiculous—almost blasphemous.
Jesus Christ gave up his heavenly glory to come to earth to die for the sins of the entire world. It was the greatest act of selflessness in history. There is nothing remotely resembling that act in the greedy world of pro sports. 🤢
Djokovic, of course, has a lot of great qualities. But neither he, nor anyone else in the world of pro sports, is worthy even to carry Christ’s gym shoes—er, sandals. 😉 Besides, it’s not like Djokovic is facing death—or anything close.
Sam · January 7, 2022 at 1:07 am
“McEnroe BJK Blake Osaka Courier Agassi Federer Serena all totally silent about this injustice against Novak Djokovic.”
Scoop, obviously those folks only care about being politically correct—nothing else. 😝 I mean, did any of them ever show any support for Margaret Court? Of course not.
Scoop Malinowski · January 7, 2022 at 8:41 am
Sam, Yes I always boycott corrupt companies. cnn, ny times, starbucks, panera bread, being a few. The ao deserves to be boycotted. It just came out Tiley sent a letter to unvaxed players on the protocol they should follow to play. so novak followed every protocol.
Scoop Malinowski · January 7, 2022 at 8:42 am
Sam, Ali was World Heavyweight Champion in 1966 but was forbidden from fighting from 1967-1970. All because he refused to be drafted Because he “aint got no quarrel with them vietcong.”
Scoop Malinowski · January 7, 2022 at 8:45 am
Sam there is only one Jesus Christ. But if Roger Federer was “the god” of tennis as one player told me for my book Facing Federer, then Novak Djokovic, though he is far from perfect like Roger is far from perfect, Novak is the god of tennis now.
Scoop Malinowski · January 7, 2022 at 8:46 am
Zip zilch nada Sam. No guts there at all.
Sam · January 10, 2022 at 2:44 am
Sam, Yes I always boycott corrupt companies. cnn, ny times, starbucks, panera bread, being a few.
Good for you, Scoop. 👍
The ao deserves to be boycotted.
Yes, that’s what I’ve been saying all along. So, you’re coming around to Kriek’s view, huh? 😁
It just came out Tiley sent a letter to unvaxed players on the protocol they should follow to play. so novak followed every protocol.
Well, it looks like—temporarily at least—Djokovic has won round one in Australia. 💪
Sam · January 10, 2022 at 2:47 am
Sam, Ali was World Heavyweight Champion in 1966 but was forbidden from fighting from 1967-1970.
Scoop, what I’m saying here is that I don’t understand exactly how the government could do this.
So . . . if Ali showed up to a fight, they just brought the police to arrest him? I mean, unless he was in jail, how could they physically keep him out of the ring? 🤔
Sam · January 10, 2022 at 2:53 am
book Facing Federer, then Novak Djokovic, though he is far from perfect like Roger is far from perfect, Novak is the god of tennis now.
Scoop, yes, speaking in the figurative sense, I understand what you’re saying.
Zip zilch nada Sam. No guts there at all.
Well, at least these tennis “professionals” have outed themselves. 👺
By the way, do you know if Margaret Court has made any comments on the Djokovic ordeal?
Scoop Malinowski · January 10, 2022 at 7:46 am
Sam, that part of Ali’s career was before my time but they took his title away and he could not fight anywhere for three years not even on foreign soil. I will try to found out why Ali just didn’t fight on foreign soil…
Scoop Malinowski · January 10, 2022 at 7:52 am
Sam I asked Margaret, through her secretary at her ministry, about how the backlash to her religious beliefs has affected her, and at first I thought she was going to answer it based on the reaction I got, but after several queries she/they never replied to it. So I think Margaret Court has been intimidated into silence and will not say anything publicly regarding politics or religion or how the establishment has railroaded her into a corner. She’s all about running her ministry now. She wants no trouble, is my take on it. Disgusting what the mean spirited vicious establishment did to her.
Sam · January 13, 2022 at 2:02 am
I will try to found out why Ali just didn’t fight on foreign soil…
Scoop, yes, it’d be great to know the answer to that.
Sam · January 13, 2022 at 2:23 am
at first I thought she was going to answer it based on the reaction I got, but after several queries she/they never replied to it.
Well, Scoop, I’m going to be frank here—Court’s coy refusal to respond was very rude. 😮
Now, do you have to answer every question someone asks you? Of course not. If you don’t wish to answer at that time, you can say something like, “I’d prefer not to go into that,” or “Maybe we can discuss this some other time.” Those are some polite ways to decline.
So I think Margaret Court has been intimidated into silence and will not say anything publicly regarding politics or religion or how the establishment has railroaded her into a corner. She’s all about running her ministry now. She wants no trouble, is my take on it.
I’m sorry, but if you want to avoid trouble, going into Christian ministry is the wrong route to take! In fact, the Bible promises lots of trouble for Christians. And I’m reminded of these lines from the head abbess in The Sound of Music:
“Maria, our abbey is not to be used as an escape. . . . These walls were not made to shut out problems. You have to face them.”
Disgusting what the mean spirited vicious establishment did to her.
It is, but you can’t let the bullies win. 💪 If you allow them to intimidate you into silence, then that’s exactly what you’re doing. 😟 Of course, I’m not pretending it’s easy. Nevertheless, you can’t allow your enemies to hold you back.
Scoop Malinowski · January 13, 2022 at 8:23 am
Sam, I found out – they took his title and his passport too.
Scoop Malinowski · January 13, 2022 at 8:26 am
Right Sam , I will keep trying more. I sent them the Facing Margaret Court article I did too. We don’t know how the situation is there for her, crazies are everywhere and always a threat. She may not want any attention or press or promotion, just to quietly do her mission work. We can’t imagine the hell the leftist demons have put her through and she may not be up for the fight anymore.
Sam · January 16, 2022 at 12:50 am
Sam, I found out – they took his title and his passport too.
Thanks for the info, Scoop. Wow, pretty awful. 😝
Sam · January 16, 2022 at 12:57 am
Right Sam , I will keep trying more.
Actually, Scoop, you might want to keep your distance. She doesn’t seem to be welcoming much contact, that’s for sure.
We don’t know how the situation is there for her, crazies are everywhere and always a threat.
That’s true. And I don’t know how much she knows about you—maybe she thinks you’re a Lefty that might turn on her too. 😉 So, I agree with you that she’s not obligated to spill the beans or anything to you. However, as I said, the adult way to handle this type of situation is to politely decline to comment. Playing games and ignoring someone—well, that’s immature and childish, and certainly not Christian. 😕
Scoop Malinowski · January 16, 2022 at 7:48 am
Yes, she gave me a Biofile and that was more than enough.
Mary · January 17, 2022 at 11:03 am
Mohammed Ali used his celebrity to take a stand. He didn’t lie. He refused to fight and sacrificed his career for 3 years. It does him a great disservice to compare him to Novak. This guy lied and tried to have it both ways.
Scoop Malinowski · January 17, 2022 at 11:24 am
Mary, you or I don’t know the details of Ali’s decision and the inside stories, we only know what the biased media says. it was before my time and I assume before your time, surely he made some mistakes and has some warts but the media has lionized Ali as mr. perfect since the 70s while the media has demonized Djokovic since early in his career due to anti white anti Serbian bias. I will continue to compare Ali and Djokovic for both being heroically brave to stand up to the establishment to fight for what they believe regardless of personal loss. Djokovic did everything AO and AUstralia asked but the rules were changed because Novak refuses to take a drug shot that does not work. Freedom of choice.